Titanium trophies - the 4.0 challenge
From 2015 to today with our business-unit TIJEY we have started a new project to bring the highest level mechanics combined with aerospace materials, to the fore in the creation of wearable accessories in titanium.
Thus was born the exclusive TIJEY jewelry line.

From the collaboration with NASCAR Europe which has lasted for 4 years now, we wanted to extend this application to a new sector: prizes and trophies created from solid blocks and made with aeronautical and aerospace materials.
We therefore provided the first cup obtained from solid blocks for the NASCAR European Championship, and it was a great success, to the point that from the USA they have titled “the European Championship has a more beautiful cup than ours”.
The latest exciting challenge
in December 2021 the FMI (Italian Motorcycle Federation), commissioned us to create the lifetime achievement award for 2 “legends” in the world of two-wheel racing worldwide, Valentino Rossi and Antonio Cairoli.
The idea was to create something truly special, which was “at the height” of the careers it had to represent, and which was “different” from the hundreds of trophies won by the two champions, something that could “amaze and excite” who, like them, is used to winning everything and continuously receiving “honors” of all kinds.
Lifetime Achievement Award to Valentino Rossi
Lifetime Achievement Award to Antonio Cairoli